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Kildahl, Alli


Phone: (651) 744-1089

Qualifications: Masters of Social Studies Education from the University of Minnesota

Ms. Kildahl

Hiya!  I'm Ms Alli Kildahl (kill-doll), and I have the best job in the universe: 6th grade social studies teacher.  In MN Studies, we cover diverse immigration stories, the Dakota and Ojibwe, the Fur Trade, the theft of land, present day Minnesota cultures, and the many perspectives of Minnesota's history.  Among other things, students will get to participate in History Day and create their own solution to a real-world Minnesota problem.  My strongest passion is civic participation, which is why I'll be trying to convince all my students that they should vote in about 6 more years.

My husband and I live in Minneapolis and love to travel the world together.  He's a 7th grade language arts teacher, and we have 2 cats: Tiki (mom) and Bobo (daughter).  I love to eat, cook, run, eat, be outside, be with friends, eat with friends, read, walk, write, eat, watch movies, watch shows, eat, bike, try new things, and eat doughnuts.

