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Study Tips

Study Tips and Homework Ideas

What? No Homework?
On average, a student in middle school should have between 1 and 1-1/2 hours of homework each school night. Students at this level are responsible not only for the assignments given by teachers, but also for reviewing and studying the material covered in class.

No doubt there will be occasions where your child tells you that he or she has no homework.  However not having homework doesn’t mean there is no reason to study.  The biggest trouble spots for most of our students are multiplication, reading level, and vocabulary. A little extra effort in those areas goes a long way.
By middle school, students should have the basic multiplication chart (0-12) memorized. If your student still struggles, have him or her make flashcards and practice, practice, practice.

Each student in the Saint Paul Public Schools has been challenged to read 25 books each year. Although reading anything is better than reading nothing, students benefit most from reading material that offers some challenge and variety.

For Students:

  • Use your planner to keep track of assignments and keep your binders organized.
  • Feel free to ask your teacher questions before, during, or after class.
  • Set aside a specific time to study each day.
  • Maintain a quiet workspace (television, video games, pets, the phone etc. are all distractions).
  • Finish your homework as early as possible to relieve stress.
  • Ask your parents, brothers or sisters, friends, and teachers for any help you need.
  • Complete homework of your least favorite class first.
  • As hard as it may be, do not distract yourself or others.
  • Get lots of sleep – at least eight hours every school night.
  • Don’t study on an empty stomach.

For Parents:

  • Make the point that homework is the priority – before going out to play, using the phone, playing video games, watching TV etc.
  • Insist that your child use his or her planner to keep track of assignments. Check it daily or weekly.
  • Set up a homework area that is free of distractions and has all the necessary supplies.
  • Insist that your child have a consistent study time each day. Do not allow interruptions during that time.
  • Supervise the work, but don’t fall into the trap of doing it.
  • Model as often as possible.  If you sit and read or do some of your own work, your child will learn that everyone has responsibilities and that learning is life long.
  • Make sure your child gets enough to eat and plenty of sleep.
  • Stay in touch with your child’s teachers