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Multilingual Learning


Embracing the Diversity of our Students

Saint Paul Public Schools has one of the most diverse student populations in the nation with more than 100 languages and dialects spoken by our students and their families. Some of our students are bi-, tri- and even quadrilingual. The SPPS Office of Multilingual Learning manages a variety of language programs that build on the richness of that diversity. For questions, call 651-767-8320.

English Learners (EL)

The K-12 language program provides additional English language development and instruction for students whose home language is other than English (approximately 40% of SPPS students). Instruction focuses on increasing students’ English language skills so they can meet state and district academic standards. Learning is achieved through collaborative teaching, accelerated language programs, and teaching core subjects in English. Most commonly, General Education and EL teachers deliver instruction as a team and give students daily interaction with native English-speaking peers.

Language Academy

Children who are new to the country or need English language development have the option to participate in Language Academy. Students in grades 1-12 interact with their native English-speaking peers to build language skills and relationships. Language Academies are taught by General Education teachers together with EL teachers, who provide instruction based on student needs, foster academic success, and increase language skills at each grade level. This intensive program helps students rapidly develop the English language skills that will prepare them to succeed academically.

Hmong Language and Culture: BCMS now offers teachings in Hmong Language and Culture.