Educational Talent Search
What is Educational Talent Search?
Educational Talent Search is a federally funded TRiO program designed to assist middle school/high school students and high school dropouts with the necessary understanding, knowledge, skills, and self-esteem to continue in and graduate from high school. The Educational Talent Search program also helps students that have been traditionally underrepresented to explore training and educational options, and enroll in postsecondary institutions.
The Talent Search Program defined:
Ms. Kayce Vang
Hello, my name is Kayce Vang and I will be returning to BCMS as the TRIO Educational Talent Search Adviser. This will be my third year at Battle Creek Middle School and I’m excited to serve our students this year! I have a degree in Ministry from University of Northwestern College – St. Paul. I am pursing my Youth Developmental Leadership graduate degree at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. However, I am graduating this Spring 2020 so I am very excited about that. I have been working with students since 2011 and enjoyed every year working with them.
As a TRIO ETS Advisor, I have a crazy work schedule! I work with 6th through 12th grade students. I am at BCMS on Tuesdays and Fridays, Harding High School on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Century College on Monday. Throughout the year, I will be asking that students be released from class to attend various events such as campus visits and workshops that help students complete steps of the workshop session. Each grade level will meet for two to three workshops. In addition, students involved in the ETS program will meet with me at least twice a year for one on one advising sessions to discuss academic progress and future educational goals. I will be providing passes for students participating in the program when necessary. However, I understand the importance of students being actively in class and I will do my best to communicate with you so that times don’t conflict with important subject matters.
Contact Information
Battle Creek Phone: 651-774-2073
Century College Phone: 651-779-3984